
Introducing Meet the Experts Show...

Meet the Experts is a YouTube show specific to everything you want to know about beauty and wellness!

Today, many people are confused about what is real or false, and what is truth or fiction.

As humans, we all want to look good and feel great. But with so much noise, how does one know what is best?

The Meet the Experts Show is designed to give everyone the latest, most up-to-date beauty and wellness news. We do this by inviting special guests, experts in the medical spa industry, and experts in the wellness industry.

The show’s goal is to help consumers, business entrepreneurs, and medical professionals realize what is best for you by bringing experts to you!

Meet the Experts is engaging and informative with real news to help you navigate through some of the myths and realities of beauty and wellness.

The Meet the Experts Show
Targets Two Different Audiences:

Business To Business Topics on
Meet the Experts Show

– Ideal for vendors to the industry

The beauty and wellness industry is vast and filled with competition. As vendors to the medspa industry, you are constantly looking for ways to gain new clients and always striving to gain more accounts and sales to continue the company’s growth.

By being featured on the B2B Meet the Experts show, you will gain the following benefits:

  1. Enjoy more exposure to attract more clients, accounts, and more sales
  2. Position you and your company as the go-to professionals in your field
  3. Inform businesses on why you are the choice to do business with
  4. Gain more followers
  5. Use the, “As Seen on The Meet the Experts Show” banner for more credibility
  6. Receive the footage of the show to use on your own marketing platforms
  7. Inform your target market on what you do and how people benefit from what you do

Business to Consumer Topics on
Meet The Experts Show

– Ideal for medspa owners

Today’s consumers have many options at their fingertips; there is no shortage of anything. So, how do you differentiate yourself as a medspa owner? It’s all about positioning you as the expert.

As a featured guest expert on the Business to Consumer show, you will help your business in the following ways:

  1. Inform consumers about your products and services
  2. Share your credibility with case studies and results
  3. Educate consumers on the latest and the best treatments, therefore positioning you as the expert
  4. Share the latest trends. The greatest new treatment, new medspa equipment such as Lasers, Hydrafacial, body contour, new procedures, the best skin care products, ingredients, etc.
  5. Generate more traffic and sales
  6. Differentiate yourself from the competition

Obviously, it helps to be seen as the expert!

Who Can Be An Expert on The Show?

The expert guests are professionals who are leaders in the beauty and wellness industry.  They are knowledgeable and skilled in what they do, have a message to share, and have a positive and sincere voice to be heard.  A solution provider for problems and concerns people have, and they will benefit the audience.

This is not a commercial show.  The goal is to deliver valuable content that will be good for the professional and the consumer.

Post-show production marketing opportunities.  The show will be available to promote and on the following platforms:

  1. YouTube Channels
    • Experts on beauty and wellness
    • InSPAration Management
    • Global Med Spa Association
    • Post on “Your” YouTube channel
  2. Websites
    • MeetTheExperts.com
    • GlobalMedSpaAssociation.com
  3. Social media
    • LinkedIn
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
  4. iTunes
    • Podcast Mp3 file

Who Can Be An Expert on The Show?

We have created an application process to help us determine your expertise and the demand for your knowledge. Or refer an expert if you know someone who has a message to share.
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